Who we are:

Rotary in Australia
Australian Rotary Clubs are part of an international network of business, professional and community leaders who strive to make the world a better place through practical efforts. Through Rotary International, the reward of "paying it forward" unites men and women from different backgrounds, cultures, religious and political beliefs the world over, allowing ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

Ross River Rotary Club 
Our club is made up of a diverse group of individuals united in their wish to put service above self.  We have a strong history and many years of experience.  Ross River Rotary Club was chartered in 1973 and some of the founding members are still active in the club.  

What we do:

We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Our Four-Way test is a simple ethical framework to help us in our lives every day. Feel welcome to use it yourself - it's pretty simple:
Of the things we think, say or do:
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Ross River Rotary Club has weekly dinner meetings allowing you to learn something new, both from club members, who are endless sources of knowledge, and from weekly guest speakers from within and outside the club.   We have many small projects - check out the rest of our website to see what we do!
Ross River members enjoy fun activities together.  We recently had a weekend away to the Richmond Bush Sprints and have plans for another in the near future.

Who should join: 

Attend a rotary meeting and you will find the trifecta!  Camaraderie, community service, and networking.  At weekly meetings you'll get to meet involved members of your community, learn something with and from them, and have the opportunity to make your community and world a better place.
You can rest assured that 100% of funds raised are going where they are needed.  
Remember that Rotary is family friendly! 
Being a member of Rotary allows you to serve the community and world in a capacity beyond what can be done alone.  Rotary cured Polio!