Attend a rotary meeting and you will find the trifecta!  Camaraderie, community service, and networking.  At weekly meetings you'll get to meet involved members of your community, learn something with and from them, and have the opportunity to make your community and world a better place.
You can rest assured that 100% of funds raised are going where they are needed.  
Remember that Rotary is family friendly! 
Being a member of Rotary allows you to serve the community and world in a capacity beyond what can be done alone.  Rotary cured Polio!  

Join us at our next meeting

Tuesdays at 6:00 PM
 Tom's Tavern
168 Nathan St
Aitkenvale Townsville, QLD 4814
Meetings are every Tuesday at 17:30 for 18:00  at Tom's Tavern, 168 Nathan Street, Townsville, QLD, Australia
Our meetings occur every week and feature a new speaker on topics of interest to Rotarians, our town, and general subjects. We strive to provide an excellent program to keep our members informed and enlightened on the world. Feel free to join us as our guest this week!